Well its spring, I even have daffodils. This weekend I took the little truck and got a yard of triple mix which I spread on lawn and some backfill. The went back for a yard of mushroom compost. With my headlights pointing skyward I headed home. I am not sure if the mushroom compost is organic or not, but its potent stuff. Anything you put it near will grow simply from the desire to get as far away from the odour as possible.
At first I thought it smelt like horse, but today I thought more cow. Its definably animal manure and straw. I used it mainly for a new flower bed in the front, doing cardboard and compost over lawn vs digging up the lawn approach, but put a shovel around some evergreens and flowers elsewhere. Its funny how you get use to the smell. This evening I was out collecting logs to use as mushroom medium. When I arrived home the odour assaulted me. Not nearly as bad as last years organic chicken manure though. Aaah the smell of spring, as the snow melts there is a distinct odour usually in the country side. But just sometimes you can smell it in the city as well. Poor neighbours!