So I spent a peaceful evening up potting my Tomatoes and Peppers, to what I hope is my last potting. Although they ready, I just saw a flurry fly by the window and dont even have a crocus in bloom.
That's 15 Tomato plants and 15 Pepper plants. As much as will fit under lights and really pretty much one of each type I had planted. Now what you don't see in the picture is the mass of plants that did not make the "cut". I called up my neighbours and said, first come first serve, if you have a windowsill, come and get. I just cant seem to murder them.
The tray has my seedlings I am starting over with. Rapinni, kale, broccoli etc. On the far left back is a few eggplants I have started. Labelling mistakes there have resulted and a large number of "white". Speaking of labelling, I am still using a permanent marker on aluminium blinds that I cut. It really works well. This weekend I need to finalize the beds, rake and prune., but tomorrow is suppose to be 10 degree Celsius and I think I would rather do it in sun, than flurries.
On another note to self, the BX potting mix I bought is proving to be so much better than anything sold at the big box stores. light, fluffy, holds moisture and yet not soggy or crusting. Perhaps its explains some monster plants this year.
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