Thursday 20 June 2019


This years sage in the garden
Sage is a relatively new plant for me to grow, and it has rapidly become a favourite. As usual, I grew it from seed, but showed my lack of experience. Sage is a perennial in Zone 6 here in Toronto and I found I have a ton of unused seed.

My sage patch you can see last years plant in full flower and tiny this year plants getting established.

Sage has a unique strong flavour. In a spicy salad (one of my favourites) with lots of mustard, arugula (rocket), onion and radishes etc, I like to add a couple of young leaves along with oregano, dill, rosemary and thyme. Small amounts are great giving herby yet strong taste to the salad. In stuffing, stews, and casseroles, it adds a great distinctive flavour, I have really come to enjoy. Last year I dried 2 500ml mason jars of sage to use over winter.
The matt colour off leaves and the stunning blue flowers make it an extremely attractive plant, and a great attractor.

All this and it's a perennial!!!!

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