Saturday 4 May 2013


With all the promise and hope for spring, I know think I know why May was named May. May it be a wonderful season. My phone camera simply cannot do this picture justice and the white magnolia tree down the road was breath taking (the smell too)
Apricot confetti
Bad drivers in convertibles, people wearing outrageous shorts, patio restaurants and children on bikes everywhere. Mixed in with pleasant tweets and not so pleasant squawks of the animals and wild life. Smells of flowers, stink of manure, fresh mowed lawn and BBQ.

4 Growing degree days and look at it. I put in a couple tomato and peppers, the rest in my  cold frame still, but with the week sitting at 20's and the nights at 10 it is about time, although now we early for my targeted mid May planting. I keep the rest till then. Lettuce, garlic, peas, Fava, onions etc all up and green in the beds. The pear is right on the verge of flowering and the apple is leafing out. Freshly mowed lawn has white apricot blossoms all over.
Greening up
May my harvest this year, be a good one.

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