Friday 31 May 2013

Robbing Robins

Well with all the heavy flash rain 2 days ago causing the DVP highway to turn into a river and then suddenly 30 degree days and 18 degree nights, we have high humidity and accelerated growing time.  Its also causing some plants to bolt early. I am excited about the mustard bolting as it is something I really want seeds from.

As I ate my bagel this morning, I watched as 5 robins did the rounds of my back yard. In the 5 minutes while I chewed no less than 3 worms were caught,stretched, chewed and swallowed. Usually shared with the mate or baby following a few feet behind the colorful male. Under the wood-chips there always seems to be a worm, but at that rate, I hope I dont run out!

30 May
Garlic Scapes
Now I planted some early garlic in mid October and some late garlic in mid November. The early garlic is smaller and already growing scapes. I also lost a few and so they are far wider spaced. My new garlic plant date - mid November as those plants are looking like trees.

looks like a cauliflower
Under shelter of my Ikea net curtain row cover, some of my lost labeled basilicas are starting to flower. Why does it look like I have 5 or 6 cauliflowers, did my dice role up all mostly cauliflower or will they look different when they grow up? (I planted cauliflower, sprouting broccoli, Romanesque broccoli, leaf broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale and then lost the labels)

I have plenty of cilantro, lettuce, mustard and pak choy. My walking onions (next year must remember green onions early) to eat. Its not squash, zucchini, peppers and tomato yet and asparagus is tiny after the pest problem of last year. But I can still make a oversize salad BBQ with a couple pork chops, some mince and a french loaf.

Mom, promise I am not starving!


  1. We will see if this works now to put a comment on this blog. Great garden - what about buying more land - like a farm.

    1. Maybe If I had rich Parents :-) till then my little garden will have to do.
